Here is an example of how additional data is captured per trip, from our logbook:
This will show up for you the next time you complete a trip, based on custom monitoring data you have added.
Here is an example of how additional data is captured per trip, from our logbook:
This will show up for you the next time you complete a trip, based on custom monitoring data you have added.
Curious if there is a confusion. In regards to wind average/max and SOG average/max, they are already part of each trip log. Here is an example:
Bottom two sections have those.
When you add additional monitoring data, minimum and maximum of those values will also be captured and displayed per log (under a section called Additional Data). Average is a bit more contextual and only makes sense for few types, so these are minimum and maximum right now.
Strangely COG, TWD and AWA are displayed as knots.
You should use the same unit per monitoring block and choose the monitoring type accordingly. So instead of a single "Sailing Performance Data", you could have multiple blocks. All values in a single block will share the same unit.
I was about to say that, more stateful things like average and maximum are not normally transmitted on NMEA, I don't believe they have PGNs either. Saillogger definitely calculates the averages and max and gives it as part of a trip/log summary but from what I understand you want to display that during the trip itself? If so, while doable, they are not currently calculated during a trip.
Re-read your message, if this doesn't work, let's focus on one specific item first.
Make sure that field is available in N2k first, then make sure it shows up in the Data Browser for Signal K. If those happen but the path doesn't show up in Saillogger, restart Signal K and wait 10 minutes.
Please share your findings and we can try to help you more.
Hi Brian, we published a detailed tutorial for this: Saillogger NMEA 2000 Monitoring
In a nutshell:
Step 1: Find the Signal K path of the N2k data you want to monitor
Step 2: Add a custom monitoring section in Saillogger to monitor it. Ensure you choose the right type so Saillogger can do the necessary unit conversions for you (to degrees, knots, miles, meters/feet etc.)
It is indeed because it is a composite value. Those need to be split up. You can do so with Node-RED, please install Node-RED plugin to Signal K (Detailed instructions in this video tutorial)
And then import this snippet (courtesy of Scott Bender of Signal K team) using the top right menu item.
[{"id":"03814fb729f94bf2","type":"signalk-subscribe","z":"1a65e795a2e4022a","name":"navigation.attitude","mode":"sendAll","flatten":true,"context":"vessels.self","path":"navigation.attitude","source":"","period":1000,"x":190,"y":200,"wires":[["aa303e3ca247371e","1be984c9b6dbe6d0","7ae5e956a921f72f"]]},{"id":"aa303e3ca247371e","type":"change","z":"1a65e795a2e4022a","name":"yaw","rules":[{"t":"move","p":"payload.yaw","pt":"msg","to":"payload","tot":"msg"},{"t":"set","p":"topic","pt":"msg","to":"navigation.attitudeflat.yaw","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":410,"y":200,"wires":[["74ede648e6a55306"]]},{"id":"74ede648e6a55306","type":"signalk-send-pathvalue","z":"1a65e795a2e4022a","name":"","source":"","meta":"{\"units\": \"rad\" }","x":710,"y":200,"wires":[]},{"id":"1be984c9b6dbe6d0","type":"change","z":"1a65e795a2e4022a","name":"pitch","rules":[{"t":"move","p":"payload.pitch","pt":"msg","to":"payload","tot":"msg"},{"t":"set","p":"topic","pt":"msg","to":"navigation.attitudeflat.pitch","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":410,"y":260,"wires":[["74ede648e6a55306"]]},{"id":"7ae5e956a921f72f","type":"change","z":"1a65e795a2e4022a","name":"roll","rules":[{"t":"move","p":"payload.roll","pt":"msg","to":"payload","tot":"msg"},{"t":"set","p":"topic","pt":"msg","to":"navigation.attitudeflat.roll","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":410,"y":320,"wires":[["74ede648e6a55306"]]}]
It will create a flow like this:
When you deploy, it will give you explicit paths for navigation.attitude.yaw
, navigation.attitude.pitch
and navigation.attitude.roll
At some point, Saillogger should decode composite values but there are many paths that have composite values and doing so in a smart way requires some thinking.
I suspect this is due to the type of value, it needs to be a number. Can you share the value of navigation.attitude
from the data browser?
You need to do it in plugin configuration, normally accessible at http://venus.local:3000/admin/#/serverConfiguration/plugins/derived-data when you are on the same network with Cerbo.