Manual logbook entry
Could it be possible to add an option to add a logbook entry manually ?
For example, I have a trip that has not be logged, because the SignalK system was down. I would like to add it to keep a log of it.
Another wishes would be to import gpx tracks for old trips which I still have from another application.
Hello there, there is no option to add a manual logbook entry. Logbook entries are highly dependent on the granular tracking data, so submitting it without them will not easily work.
What format is your gpx track in? If it has granular tracking, we may be able to help you. Please email the manual entry you would like and the gpx track to info@saillogger and let us see if we can find a way to help you.
For the GPX track, it's an export from TZ Iboat app. I'll send it by mail tonight. I also have other GPX files from my Yach Device router. I'll send it too when I get it.
But I'm sure I will have some trips where I'll have no log at all, whatever the reason (bug, electronic issue, small trip whithout powering on instrument, etc...). And I would love to track it, as I would do it in a real Logbook.
Of course, all informations would have to be entered manually, and automations will not work. Don't you think it's a real use case ?