Wish list ;-)
Hi Iker,
Wish you all the best for 2024. Thank's for your comprehensive information and outlook for 204, bus as we are still close to X-Mas a kind of wish list for 2024. But first I'd like to thank you for saillogger we really appreciate all the work what you invested in sailloger.
But now to the wish-list.-
Motor hours, you already indicated that you are considering this feature. One way of implementing this feature could be to detect RPM. For instance we are using YDEG-04 to get information from Volvo Penta to NMEA. I'm not a developer, so no clue how difficult it is, but the idea is if RPB is detected motor hours will be counted.
Windy, we are already sharing our weather data with Windy but it would be great to get automatically weather data in for each trip on a daliy base.
Crew list, a crew list in a data base. As we are not a commercial charterer we are more or less are sailing with the same group of people. So a data base where you could simple check the members of the current trip would be super.
Sort funcitons, having the crew list including the skipper ;-), it would be marvelous to group and sort the trips per skipper, member, time ...
and as this is X-Mas
an export function in a kind of word / excel template. Like our logbook template.
Once again we are happy with sailloger and particular that you continue with it. Thanks for your efforts and sharing saillogger.
Best, Otto
PS.: Tried to upload our logbook as pdf but I'm not having enough privileges
Thank you @mmor for the feature requests, these are very valuable! We will definitely keep these in mind while prioritizing our development.
And thank you @andreshs1 for chiming in for the feature to monitor additional information. I think this is emerging as a a common request (@Incentive also raised similar a request in a different thread). Getting the UX right for this is non-trivial but we are thinking of ways to enable it. The new monitoring UX will help here. More to come on this!