🌍 Discover Local Attractions on Your Monitoring and Tracking Page!
We're thrilled to introduce an exciting new feature on your monitoring and tracking page!
You can now see select local attractions from Wikipedia that are nearby, providing your followers with more context and insight into your surroundings.
Historical Insights: Discover fascinating historical facts about your location, such as whether a famous explorer like James Cook once anchored in the same spot or if there was a historical settlement there. This adds a rich layer of history to your adventures, making each journey even more meaningful.
Targeted: To keep your user interface clean and uncluttered, we've limited this feature to a select few attractions only. Each highlighted point of interest is to enhance your boating without overwhelming you or your followers with information.
️ Easy Control: This feature is enabled by default, but you can easily disable it if you prefer a simpler view. Just go to the settings under the "Monitoring & Tracking" tab and toggle the option as needed.
We hope this enhancement brings a new dimension to your journeys and enriches your sailing experience. Dive into the history and stories of the places you visit and share these insights with your followers!
Visit your monitoring settings page to explore this new feature. Happy sailing!