Big fan of the product and progress.
Lots of badge ideas and requests:
Add multipliers of five or 10 to badges. For example, storm trooper times 5 10,20 or 50. This can be done for international traveler, higher moorings, anchor etc.
For winds experienced: Gale 1 & 2, tropical storm, Hurricane 1,2,etc?
10,000, 20,000 leagues etc or some other way to express lots of miles traveled.
50, 100, 200, 300, 400,500 nights on the hook, mooring, dock.
Number of US states visited. A badge for every 3-5 states? Badges could be the shape of each state?
Number of countries visited. A badge for every 3-5?
Badge for user submitted features that are used.
Add a badge if you could determine if a boat had transited a lock.
Continents visited badge. You get one at your second continent, etc.
Following up on the continent, visiting each major ocean or sea
Beta Badge: for those people who used Saillogger as it developed. (I know we were freeloaders) these people were your data point guinea pigs.
Paid supporters. Call it whatever you want. Voyager badge, Bouy badge (keeping you afloat?) something…
I’m sure you could get community support to design the badges to get that off your plate.
Thank you again for the great product.