Want to mix different data types in "Real time monitoring" section
I have a bluetooth temperature sensor for my refrigerator, and it outputs two SK paths:
environment.refrigerator.temperatureBut I can't put them both in a section, because the section settings only give me a single data type. So I need to use two sections, which is not ideal because "Refrigerator" shows up twice.
The same applies to additional batteries when I want to see voltage and state of charge. Is it possible to duplicate the provided battery display which shows voltage and SOC in one small package?
@mshulman Unfortunately, that is by design for now. There are a couple of things that make it tricky. Units are shared across all values in a block, so displaying a 38 F and 32% in the same block becomes fairly complicated, both for conversions that need to take place (i.e. SK uses kelvin behind the scenes) and the display on the page. That is the reason blocks share a single unit at this point.
@Brazen-Article , that can be done but requires some thinking. We will file a feature for backlog.