Signalk-saillogger Metadata Submission to the server failed
I was monitoring our position via live monitoring and noticed it stopped. SignalK Dashboard shows the Saillogger is running with the status:
"76 Entries in the queue. no successful connection to the server since restart."
I turned on server logging and see that after the metadata is displayed, an error that: "
Signalk-saillogger Metadata Submission to the server failed"
I think the saillogger plugin then restarts, and the errors repeat, but I am not 100% sure.
Steps I have taken:
- Verified the PI and SignalK are running and have internet access. Yes. Restarted the PI anyway
- Verified that SignalK website and live monitoring are available from a webpage on the RPI.
- restarted SignalK server; restarted Saillogger plug-in
- Verified active subscription
- Turned on "debug log" and noticed error "Signalk-saillogger Metadata Submission to the server failed"
Thank you,
JohnHere is a copy of the log I captured:
Jul 28 17:35:11 2024-07-29T00:35:11.920Z signalk-saillogger Metadata: {"name":"Amoreena","mmsi":"368239930","length":10,"beam":2.5,"height":3,"ship_type":37,"version":"3.1.0","signalk_version":"2.8.3","platform":"Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2 ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l)","serial_number":"100000007328adc8","configuration":{"uuid":"8d633023-db75-4f1f\t","battery":"258"},"available_keys":[{"key":"design.beam","unit":"m"},{"key":"design.airHeight","unit":"m"},{"key":"navigation.headingMagnetic","unit":"rad"},{"key":"navigation.rateOfTurn","unit":"rad/s"},{"key":"navigation.speedOverGround","unit":"m/s"},{"key":"navigation.courseOverGroundTrue","unit":"rad"},{"key":"navigation.gnss.antennaAltitude","unit":"m"},{"key":"navigation.gnss.satellites","unit":null},{"key":"navigation.gnss.horizontalDilution","unit":null},{"key":"navigation.gnss.positionDilution","unit":null},{"key":"navigation.gnss.geoidalSeparation","unit":null},{"key":"electrical.venus.totalPanelCurrent","unit":"A"},{"key":"electrical.venus.totalPanelPower","unit":"W"},{"key":"electrical.venus.stateNumber","unit":null},{"key":"electrical.switches.venus-0.state","unit":null},{"key":"electrical.batteries.258.capacity.consumedCharge","unit":"C"},{"key":"electrical.batteries.258.capacity.dischargedEnergy","unit":"C"},{"key":"electrical.batteries.258.capacity.dischargeSinceFull","unit":"C"},{"key":"electrical.batteries.258.capacity.stateOfCharge","unit":"ratio"},{"key":"electrical.batteries.258.capacity.timeRemaining","unit":"s"},{"key":"electrical.batteries.258.current","unit":"A"},{"key":"electrical.batteries.258.power","unit":"W"},{"key":"electrical.batteries.258.voltage","unit":"V"},{"key":"electrical.batteries.258.lifetimeDischarge","unit":"C"},{"key":"electrical.batteries.258-second.voltage","unit":"V"},{"key":"","unit":"A"},{"key":"","unit":"V"},{"key":"","unit":"J"},{"key":"","unit":"J"},{"key":"","unit":null},{"key":"","unit":null},{"key":"","unit":null},{"key":"","unit":null},{"key":"","unit":"A"},{"key":"","unit":"V"},{"key":"","unit":null},{"key":"","unit":"W"}]}
Jul 28 17:35:11 2024-07-29T00:35:11.921Z signalk-saillogger Monitoring configuration not set
Jul 28 17:35:11 2024-07-29T00:35:11.922Z signalk-saillogger Retrieving monitoring configuration
Jul 28 17:35:19 2024-07-29T00:35:19.967Z signalk-saillogger Metadata submission to the server failed
Jul 28 17:35:21 2024-07-29T00:35:21.939Z signalk-saillogger Metadata submission to the server failed
Jul 28 17:35:25 Could not parse JSON options:Unexpected end of JSON input
Jul 28 17:35:25 Could not parse JSON options:Unexpected end of JSON input
Jul 28 17:35:25 ::ffff: - - [29/Jul/2024:00:35:25 +0000] "GET /skServer/plugins HTTP/1.1" 304 - "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux armv7l) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36"
Jul 28 17:35:28 2024-07-29T00:35:28.187Z signalk-saillogger Stopping the plugin - Verified the PI and SignalK are running and have internet access. Yes. Restarted the PI anyway
Hi John,
Sorry yo hear that you ran into a problem. Looking at logs, looks like you encountered a couple of server errors at this time. It suspiciously coincides with a maintenance window we had at the same time, though it shouldn't have caused this problem. We are digging into it more but in the meantime, can you just restart your Signal K? Maintenance window has been long over and I expect the problem may just disappear.
Thank you,
Hi Ilker,
Thanks for the reply. I have restarted SignalK. No improvement in the few minutes since I restarted.
Thank you,
John -
Noticed that SignalK app store isn't working. Unable to reach this url from the RPI.
might be related?
Hi John, I can see your data is coming through, I also see your last log has been processed. Are you looking at a different page?
Yes, the data is up-to-date.
Consider this solved. My gut it this was more of SignalK and appstore access than Saillogger. I rebooted the RPI for a second time (the first time was two to three hours ago) after noticing the Appstore wasn't loading. Appstore is working now, too.
I see there is an v3.1.1 update available!
Thank you,