Makes sense. I think we just won't recommend that particular sensor, since it's refresh rate is r fast enough for monitoring.
I'm really excited to have SailLogger on the boat. That you for making it available.
Makes sense. I think we just won't recommend that particular sensor, since it's refresh rate is r fast enough for monitoring.
I'm really excited to have SailLogger on the boat. That you for making it available.
This is still happening. When I first open the Real Time monitoring page, the refrigerator shows 0F. After sitting on the page for a minute or so, it shows the correct temperature.
My other temperature sensors don't have this problem. They show the temperature when I first open the page
I have version 4.0.2 and my refrigerator still read 0F when looked this morning. After leaving the realtime monitoring tab open, it now shows 34F.
I just updated to 4.0.2 and I'll let you know. Thank you.
Btw, perhaps the plugin could announce its version number in the server log at startup?
This workflow is using the "BT Sensors plugin" (
By default, the sensor broadcasts its data whenever it changes significantly, but at least every 60 seconds by default with the stock firmware.
(link to custom firmware:
When the "BT Sensor Plugin" sees this reading, it broadcasts it out to SignalK.
The bad user behavior is that the sensor broadcasts (or "advertises") its current state every 60 seconds by default, which just matches the obsolete timeout in Saillogger.
This leads to the refrigerator reading being missing some or most of the time.
We could fix this by increasing the broadcast rate from the sensor, but these sensors use tiny little batteries, so maximizing battery life is important.
Perhaps Saillogger could have an override for devices that don't change quickly, like tanks or temperature sensors, and tolerate a 5 minute data refresh interval?
I asked if the Bluetooth plugin could rebroadcast data for up to 30 seconds. Here's the reply I got:
It'd be bad design to rebroadcast as SK assigns a timestamp for the delta. Rebroadcasting would create spuriously timestamped data and be redundant with existing function -- plugins like SailLogger can ask for the temperature path at any time. If SailLogger is marking infrequently updated paths like temperature missing after 60 seconds that's a SailLogger issue/limitation.
The sensor broadcasts it's value infrequently, like once a minute. When the Bluetooth sensor plugin receives the broadcast, it sends it out via SignalK.
Let me see if we can make the Bluetooth plugin broadcast every 30 seconds or whenever it receives a broadcast.
Another thought is that maybe the realtime tracker page doesn't do as well with sparse data. The temp sensor only sends data once in a while?
I'm still having trouble with this. My refrigerator sensor battery died, I changed it, and I restarted SignalK.
I see the refrigerator temperature and humidity in the SignalK data browser, but either temperature or humidity has been reporting 0 since. It seems random which one will show up.
On the theory that maybe the monitoring list is too long since these are the last items, I removed refrigerator humidity from the monitoring list.
Would it be possible for me to see the data history as a table, just showing the datetime and value for each sensor.
I know that the history graph doesn't do well with graphs, and a sensor log would make debugging so much easier.
Thank you!
Works great. I'm writing up a blog post about this. I'll send you a link.
I tried to use inside
, but I don't see it on the data dropdown.
Is there a way to convince Saillogger to refresh the list?
I have an indoor thermometer for the temperature in my cabin. The SignalK plugin I'm using, which connects to a bluetooth temperature probe, allows me to set the path to use.
Do folks have an opinion whether it should be:
The comparable is
Do folks have an opinion about the one for indoors? I'm inclined to use inside
to match outside
Got it, thank you!
My real time monitoring of my refrigerator had stopped but I fixed it yesterday, and now my refrigerator shows up on the realtime monitor.
But it hasn't reappeared on the 24 hour or 7 day history monitor.
I have a bluetooth temperature sensor for my refrigerator, and it outputs two SK paths:
But I can't put them both in a section, because the section settings only give me a single data type. So I need to use two sections, which is not ideal because "Refrigerator" shows up twice.
I just added a credit card. The other was a debit card.
I just got an email that my subscription is paused, but it shouldn't be.
I see this in the invoice history
Sep 9, 2024. Processing. Saillogger Monthly Subscription
Sep 8, 2024. Processing. Saillogger Monthly Subscription
Aug 8, 2024. Paid. Saillogger Monthly Subscription
Thank you!
It seems to be stuck in "processing". Is there anything I need to do to restart/re-enable my subscription?